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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

IMAM symposium, seminar ibadah pesakit and aceh book

here is d poster for coming imam symposium in manchester...promoting to all medics out there who r interested to learn more about medicine in terms of emergency,
trauma condition...

n below is about seminar ibadah pesakit..

IMAM SC Eire is currently working for the SEMINAR IBADAH PESAKIT programme.

Below are the tentative dates at respective venues:

1. CORK - 10 FEB 2007, Saturday

2. GALWAY - 17 FEB 2007, Saturday

3. BELFAST - 24 FEB 2007, Saturday

4. DUBLIN - 3 MARCH 2007, Saturday

anyone interested can contact any of d imam_ire rep

bout aceh book, it has been more than 1 1/2 yr now, n we, 10 of us, medics that went to aceh after tsunami r still selling this book. FYI, all money we ve collected will be use to fund d orphanage home n to build up mosque in aceh...so if anyone interested to help us raising fund, get this book now!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

kak inda, abg kai n danish....

get to know them for just 6 months ago (danish for 2 months kot) but feel like knowing them for long time already...n last weekend, helped them moving out to glasgow...such a sad moment =( really njoy when they were in dundee....my housemt n I...when we r damn bored, nak buat ape ek?jom ar, lepak umah kak inda...gi tgk danish.... nak gi tesco ke gi mane2 ke...tumpang diorg...mmg diorg ni da cam our big sis n big bro lar...really miss them a lot weh...nak advice pape, jusk ask them...they r good at it....d japanese style dinner, wont forget it...korg nih mmg slalu ade jer idea2...

last weekend, most of dundee undergrads went to glasgow together wif them...helped them carry their things into their new house...d new house really nice...like it very much...ct n i, we already booked 1 room for us..haha...

suddenly out of idea...can see the photos i ve attached...nway, goin 2 see them again this weekend..nak jln2 glasgow plak...cant wait for it

Saturday, January 20, 2007

surgery OR medicine?

erm...which one suits u better? i dun have d answer now but there r lots of opinion regarding this...eg. 'kalo jd surgeon, nanti takde masa utk bende2 lain, trust me, nanti da takleh join imam, takleh njoy kat luar, utk family pon limited'.......'if u do like surgery, go on wif it...esp as a lady surgeon, msia now , we dun hv enuf lady surgeon, u know y?bcos not many girls like surgery, so if u do, go on wif it, y not?'........'org yg amik medicine ni family oriented la, tp surgery tak sgt la' huh...what a -ve opinion kan....there is still time for me to think bout that...leave that behind first...but now build up ur interest....

as i njoy suturing (thanks to simon for letting me close d wound), goin theatre, assist in operation(thanks to mr.wood for allowing me assist d open appendicectomy) , more or less i feel like i'm determined for surgery..but really i cant decide it...

here is 1 website i found to be interesting...it s nothing to do wif medicine or surgery really but this study is quite funny...cant stop laughing =)


here r some general info what a physician and surgeon do, dedicated to all medical student in dilemma like me....

Physicians and surgeons serve a fundamental role in our society and have an effect upon all our lives. They diagnose illnesses and prescribe and administer treatment for people suffering from injury or disease. Physicians examine patients, obtain medical histories, and order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests. They counsel patients on diet, hygiene, and preventive health care.

Physicians work in one or more of several specialties, including, but not limited to, anesthesiology, family and general medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, and surgery.

Surgeons. Surgeons are physicians who specialize in the treatment of injury, disease, and deformity through operations. Using a variety of instruments, and with patients under general or local anesthesia, a surgeon corrects physical deformities, repairs bone and tissue after injuries, or performs preventive surgeries on patients with debilitating diseases or disorders. Although a large number perform general surgery, many surgeons choose to specialize in a specific area. One of the most prevalent specialties is orthopedic surgery: the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Others include neurological surgery (treatment of the brain and nervous system), cardiovascular surgery, otolaryngology (treatment of the ear, nose, and throat), and plastic or reconstructive surgery. Like primary care and other specialist physicians, surgeons also examine patients, perform and interpret diagnostic tests, and counsel patients on preventive health care.

Monday, January 01, 2007

PUISI-7 habits of highly effective people

Habit 1 - Be Proactive - Take responsibility for your life (I am the Force!!!)

Kita jgn tunggu dan lihat org buat sebaliknya kita yg kena initiate dulu...

ProactiveRangsanganNilaiBertindak menepati nilai

Reactive -» Rangsangan -» Bertindak mengikut rangsangan

Inactive -» aku tak pedulisme.....

"What happen to you is not as important as what happen in you..."

Apabila terjadi sesuatu masalah pd diri kita, kita selalu cuba utk menuding pd org lain utk mencari kesalahan org lain, tk nak melihat kelemahan diri sendri dahulu.. org slalu ckp bile 1 jari menuding kesalahan org, ade 4 lg jari menuding pd diri sendri.. oleh itu, sebelum mencari kesalahan org lain, kita kena meletakkan satu button dlm diri ini yaktu berfikir + bersabar..dgn itu kita boleh menilai baik buruk sesuatu perkara dan merima sgala yg terjadi seadanya dan akan mencari jalan yg terbaik utk memperbaiki keadaan...

Habit 2 - Begin with the end in mind - Define your mission and goals in life

"Control ur own destiny or somebody will..."

Visi - Apa yg kita kehendaki masa depan

Misi - Sebab kewujudan kita di bumi

"Ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para Malaikat:` Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi `. Mereka berkata:` Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan (khalifah) di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerusakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami senantiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau? `Tuhan berfirman:` Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui'." (QS. 2:30)

"Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan supaya mereka menyembah Ku." (Q.S Az Zariyat: 56)

Habit 3 - Put First Things First - Prioritize, and do the most importants things first

"Know our priority, never procrastinate..."

"Hiduplah kamu di dunia seolah2 kamu ini warga asing atau pengembara di sebuah perjalanan.."...so that kita akan prioritise ape yg penting n make it done first..

The Time Quadrant


Not Urgent


Not Important

Habit 4 - Think win - win - have an everyone-can-win attitude

Berfikir utk dptkan faedah dua2 belah pihak..

cth: kek hidangan bufet...kita ambil kek tersebut tanpa mengurangkan bahagian org lain..

jika terjadi sesuatu perbezaan pendapat atau masalah, kita meraikan perbezaan tersebut, bukan nya memilih siapa punya penyelesaian lebih bagus... tetapi menggabungkn kedua2 pendapat supaya membuahkn satu penyelesaian yg lebih baik.. (2 + 2 = 5)

Habit 5 - Seek first to understand, then to be understood - Listen to people sincerely

"Berusaha utk memahami org lain sebelum kita expect org lain memahami kita.."

Contoh Gaya Dengar yg Negatif:

1) Buat2 tak dengar...cth:masa penceramah/ lecturer tgh ckp..(huhu..bukan tak nk mendengar tp mengantuk sbenarnya..alasan semata2..hehe)

2) Buat2 mendengar..cth: menjwb perbualan dgn kata2, "ooo...a ah ye latu... haaa..." (alamak..ni mcm kita je..tu bukan menunjukkan kita seorg pendgr yg baik ke..)

3) Dengar yg mahu di dengar sahaja...cth: "tunang kena posting ke sabah.." org yg mendgr reply, "sabah...cantikkn tempat tu..byk tumbuhan hijau, hutan, bla2...." crite pasal sabah je...org yg bercakap tu sbenarnya nk berborak pasal tunang die..tp org yg mendgr ckp pasal sabah je...sabo je lah...

4) Hanya Dengar...tanpa melihat org yg berckp, body language dan intonasinya.. bule menyebabkn salah tafsir...cth ayat: "Boleh ke tolong belikan seluar dalam 2,3 helai...."

5) Dengar ala "self-centred"...org yg mendgr akan:

- menghukum - lepas dengar terus judge

- menasihat - cth: start ayt dgn "zaman saya dulu......."

- menceroboh - mengorek terlalu banyak drp dia

Gaya Mendengar yg Positif:

53% Bahasa tubuh 40% Nada/Perasaan7% Perkataan

Habit 6 - Synergize - Work together to achieve more

"Two brains are better than one "...kalau lg byk brain lg bagus....contoh yg kita bule tgk, kerbau dan burung gembala kerbau..yg memberi kebaikan antara satu sama lain..burung gembala kerbau mencari kutu2 pada badan kerbau skaligus membersihkn kerbau tersebut dan kerbau menjadi tempat penternakan kutu2 yg sekaligus menjadi makanan burung gembala kerbau..

sbenarnya stiap seorg drp kita di dunia ni memainkn peranan masing2...contohnya jika kita perhatikan sepinggan fish n chips yg dijual di kedai...brapa org yg terlibat utk menyiapkan sepinggan makanan itu.... dr nelayan yg menangkap ikan, nelayan tu mestilah memerlukan kapal2/bot2/perahu2..jd mestilah melibatkn org2 yg membuat bot2 tersebut, dibawa ke pemborong, dlm perjalanan kene ade driver yg membawa ikan tersebut, pastu menggunakan kenderaan dan ini melibatkan pekerja2 kilang kenderaan, ke penjual ikan, jd kena ade ais, melibatkn org2 yg kerja dkt ais factory... ke tukang masak, org yg menyiang ikan, pastu org menyiang ikan kena menggunakan pisau, jd tukang buat pisau, pastu nk msk ikan, kena ada ramuan2, jd pekerja2 kilang yg membuat ramuan2 tersebut, kilang tu tersendiri memerlukan ramai sgt pekerja utk menjadikan ia sebuah kilang dr arkitek hingga ke buruh binaan sehinggalah ke penjual fish n chips tersebut..tu tak termasuk pemprosesan chips lg..sbenarnya melibatkn ramai sgt org..da tak terlarat nk menaip.. jadi salah lah seseorg tu kalau die kate die bule hidup dan buat smua benda seorg diri padahal sudah jelas lagi nyata yang seseorg itu sgt2222 memerlukan antara satu sama lain...

Pelan Bertindak Synergi

1-Define the problem/opportunity...tgk real problem n presented problem..pastu define the problem

2-Their way...seek first to understand the ideas of others..

3-My way...seek to be understood by sharing ur ideas..

4-Brainstorm...create new options & ideas...analisa dan bincang2 kan...

5-High way...Find the best solution (2+2=5)

Habit 7 - Sharpen the saw - Renew yourself regularly

"Time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining" John F. Kennedy

sentiasa muhasabah diri dgn membetulkan dan mengemaskinikn dimensi2 fizikal, mental, emosi dan spiritual (BBHS - Body, Brain, Heart, Soul)

Body - senaman, makanan yg seimbang, menjaga kesihatan, tido yg mencukupi

Brain- bykkn membaca, tarbiyyah , menulis

Heart - bersahabat, berkhidmat, bersosial dgn masyarakat

Soul - Zikir N Fikir

Kita bertanggungjawab menjaga diri kita...

oleh itu, MULAKAN!!!!!

1. Mengajak bukan mengajar

2.Bukan ustaz...tp da'ie

3.Memujuk bukan mengutuk

4.Bersikap bukan hanya bercakap

5.Berinteraksi bukan konfrontasi...

p/s-pleagerised from srikandi kembara