Monday, February 12, 2007
mugheto kmd

another kmd actvt last weekend...mugheto stands for muharram get together (what a brilliant name) was held on last was fun,njoying...played bowling, then lunch then surah(only the girls wud understand this =p) then dinner at our house...tho my bowling ball always went into the drain (i dunno why this happened), it was funny to see the kids playing..haha...i wish i have little brother n sister... kak inda n abg kai wif baby danish spent their nite in our house....initially, they wanted to go home, but as we all kept persuading, they finally agreed...together wif other dundee's undergrads, we were talking thru out the nite...talked bout gossips, nonsense, history, n even general knowledge bout msia (referred to those who were in my room =P) whatever it is...really njoy this weekend spending time wif all my friends...i wondered if i ll be able to join such activities when i start working later...ermmm....wallahualam