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Sunday, August 07, 2005

What makes a good doctor?

How do u define good? The Oxford Dictionary surprisingly devotes a full page on this word. Thus it means; inter-alia: (a) having the right qualities (dedication, knowledge etc); (b) commendable; (c) morally excellent, virtuous; (d) kind, benevolent; (e) agreeable; (f) reliable; (g) amiable; (h) soundness of judgment, and (i) practical wisdom

A good doctor is sincere, dedicated and courteous. He is able to complement his medical knowledge and clinical judgement with humanistic qualities of integrity, respect and compassion. He sees his patients as fellow human beings and not as a ‘case’ with an illness. A good doctor is one who not only demonstrates professional competence, but also one who manifests personal qualities of patience, maturity and confidence. He listens attentively to his patients’ complaints and tries to answer all their questions to the best of his knowledge. With his older patients, he does not attribute their medical problems to old age and equate aging with mental and physical decline. He is sensitive to his patients’ special needs, particularly their emotional needs and general well-being. He avoids robotic prescription of drugs but rather, helps his patients identify the underlying causes of their problems. His patients are comfortable about discussing even their sexual problems with him. Last but not least, he treasures his relationship with his patients based upon mutual respect and open communication.


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