Tuesday, March 13, 2007
the day i turn 23

it's the 13th of March today...wow...i'm now 23 years old...getting older n older....it really mean a lot when my age increase by 1 each year...every time my other friends celebrate their birthday, i ll say to them...one yr older meaning one year wiser...so thats now back to myself...i hv reflect it back to me...new resolution...erm..not really bcos i dun even achieve my last resolution...so maybe i shud continue with the previous one first...but i still can add summore =)
nway, 1st of all....thanks to all my parents n friends who wish me, still remember my birthday..that s mean a lot to me...i love u guys....n thanks oso to those who gave me presents n even baked cake for me (that was very nice of u-siti n yuzi)
so back to celebrating birthday...there is people out there saying that its not good celebrating birthday?but y?well...it depends on how do u look at it i think...we does celebrate Rasulullah birthday...maybe it s a good way to remind ourself that we ve been to this world for that long...but what have we done, what have we achieved...for our religion, our belief, our family, ourself?
opps...gtg for now...have to prepare for tomorrow...to be continued...
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