Sunday, July 22, 2007
my 2nd post in aberdeen
di sebalik kemalasan n skiving last wk elective (to be honest, i dun even realise tat i'm actually a good skiver..haha) this wk, dgn semangat wajanya, nak pegi everyday, taknak skive da...insyaAllah..lagipon supervisor da balik..huhu...nak shadow fy1 la this coming week after the great weekend kan..
what did i do this weekend? saturday, pegi umah uncle n auntie...they r so so nice...n met wif aberdeen's people...pegi awal, tolong2 sket...da lama tak makan ramai2 camni...da ler makan kari salmon wif sambal belacan...ahh...da lama tak makan camni....
the next day...we went for strawberry picking...thanks to kak sarah yg drive..n semua2 la yg mengidam sgt including kak eta, huda n fazli..haha...lawak la diorg ni...pegi awal, punye la semangat, aleh2 tak bukak pi la carboot dulu...tu pon hujan menitik2...then, went back to that place, nasib baek bukak...masing2 bukan main lagi bergambar 2nd time picking strawberry here..last yr in why nak dtg lagik...the best part is when u can eat the strawberry fresh from the farm...manis sgt2...this is one of my present for not going back to msia this yr i guess...huhu.. already late...better go to pray n then sleep....eosk nak bgn awal...smangat baru nak gi ward esok nih..hahaha
Monday, July 16, 2007
first day in surgical paediatric royal aberdeen children hospital
look up here for more info-'s_curse
in the afternoon, they have lunch time meeting bout significant event analysis...every jjunior doctor have to present was interesting..there were 4 events altogether...1-a child came in wif burns..n the story from parents was they thought it was NAI(non accidental injury), they admitted the child, but suddenly the child dissapeared from the ward...everything was hectic becos the junior doctor was new, n she didnt know what to do neither the middle grade staff..poor communication between the staffs resulted in missing of the child...but finally they managed to get back the child wif the help of social work, n it was found out that it was a neglect rather than the lesson to learn is know how child protection act works n who u hv to contact n what to do in this situation..
2nd case was a general one...applies to all doctors...bad handwriting..common all doctor to be out there, watch ur handwriting kay!...tulis tuh biar org bole baca..especially drugs name...its patients safety..
3rd case bout be honest, i myself dun even know how to differentiate emergency alarm, fire alarm, n whatever alarm thay obviously i need to learn bout that
and the last one was about a child who just have craniotomy done, then during the night, she had a swelling at the operation site...the concern nurse reported it to the on call doc , so the doc went to check this girl, n she cudnt find her notes, none at all...her obs however stable, so contact neurosurg team, ask the on call doc, n she wasnt sure bout it but she didnt want to admit it...initially, she was reluctant to contact her consultant, but finally she contacted him, n they came over...the lesson here...if u dunno sumthing, just admit it..we r dealing wif people's dun compromise..
in the afternoon, i went to theatre...the 1st case was an emergency...a 5 months old boy wif melena...sounds weird isnt it? he had chicken pox at the same time..his vital signs is showing signs of shock, however the medical term wudnt able to put in any line, so they hv to bring him to theatre, n ask the surgeon to do it before he can hv endoscopy done..they put in 2 lines into his both saphenous veins (2 fingers breadth above and anterior to middle malleolus) n endoscope shows ulcer in stomach and oesophagitis probably due to chicken pox.
thats all for the 1st 2nd case was nothing..bcos my supervisor is attending a conference, n there was nothing in the ward, theatre n i skive the whole day..haha
Thursday, July 12, 2007
exam dah abes
Alhamdullillah, exam da abes. Harap2 tu lah penutup utk academic year ni. Setelah berpenat lelah belajar semua, sampai menangguhkan dulu hal2 lain, harap2 berbaloi la.Sementara blom dapat result ni, plan da ade macam2 da...berjela2 list. tak tau ler sempat ke tak nak siapkan semua nye.
Bende2 yg nak buat sepanjang cuti ni:
- kemas rumah sekemas2 nyer..hehe..
- uruskan pasal telefon yg da berbulan rosak tp malas nak layan
- kena pulangkan buku library yg bertan2 kat umah ni
- kena contact kengkawan yg da lama janji nak contact tp tak penah contact
- kena wish kengkawan yg nak kawen...tahniah to haly, nana, asma', hajar
- kena sruh landlord dtg umah baiki sensor heater yg da lama tak btol
- nak baca balik semua bende2 yg blajar masa usrah dulu, rasa diri ni da makin jauh dgn penciptaNya
- nak start blk menghafal surah2
- nak abeskan khatam house..hehe
- nak tgk semua movie2 yg tertangguh sbb nak exam aritu
- 13 hb july zack datang, pegi glasgow and edinburgh
- 15 hb july pegi aberdeen start elective
- 3 hb ogos, pegi dubai, jumpa yg paling best skali
- 21hb ogos, pegi london, trauma conference
- 25 hb ogos, pegi paris dgn huda
- 28 hb ogos, sampai manchester, lepak umah huda kat preston
- paling lewat, 1 sept balik dundee semula... by that time, aisyah da ade kat umah..yea..
Fakta baru yg menarik...erm...
adaptasi berita harian 12 july2007Lelaki tak berkahwin lebih ramai berbanding wanita
BEBERAPA tahun lalu, masyarakat heboh memperkatakan mengenai satu kajian yang kononnya menunjukkan jumlah wanita tidak berkahwin melebihi jumlah lelaki. Sejak itu, isu mengenai wanita bujang itu hangat diperkatakan sama ada di kedai kopi mahupun ahli politik dan tidak kurang juga yang menjadikannya bahan jenaka.
Hakikatnya jumlah lelaki bujang terlajak yang belum mendirikan rumah tangga pada usia 30 hingga 44 tahun didapati lebih ramai berbanding wanita bujang pada lingkungan usia berkenaan di negara ini.
Berdasarkan laporan Bancian Kependudukan dan Perumahan 2000, mendapati bilangan lelaki dan wanita yang memilih untuk tidak berkahwin semakin meningkat sejak 1991 hingga 2000.
Perunding Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, Dr Abdul Majid Mat Salleh, berkata jumlah keseluruhan lelaki yang tidak pernah berkahwin pada 1991 adalah 39.2 peratus dan 39 peratus pada 2000.
Jumlah itu jauh lebih tinggi berbanding wanita yang tidak pernah berkahwin iaitu 30 peratus pada 1991 dan 30.9 peratus pada 2000.
“Lelaki dan wanita di negara ini semakin memilih untuk tidak berkahwin atau melambatkan perkahwinan. Jika diteliti, kebanyakan lelaki memilih usia agak lewat untuk mendirikan rumah tangga iaitu pada usia 29 hingga 30 tahun. Ini berbeza dengan wanita yang lazimnya menamatkan zaman bujang lebih awal iaitu pada usia 25 hingga 26 tahun,” katanya ketika membentangkan kertas kerja bertajuk Kependudukan di Malaysia: 50 Tahun Perubahan.
Ceramah beliau adalah sebahagian daripada pembentangan yang dibuat pada Persidangan Kependudukan Kebangsaan 2007: Jendela Demografik Bagi Pembangunan; Peluang dan Cabaran baru-baru ini di Hotel Renaissance, Kuala Lumpur.
Persidangan selama tiga hari itu yang dirasmikan Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat (KPWKM), Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil anjuran Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara (LPPKN).
Beliau berkata, faktor pendidikan yang semakin tinggi di kalangan lelaki dan wanita hari ini membuatkan mereka lebih mementingkan kerjaya selain ingin mengukuhkan ekonomi masing-masing sebelum membuat keputusan mencari pasangan hidup.
“Pada 1991, 20.4 peratus lelaki berusia 30 hingga 34 tahun belum pernah berkahwin. Jumlah ini meningkat kepada 24.7 peratus pada 2000. Jumlah ini jauh lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan wanita yang belum pernah berkahwin.
“Pada 1991, hanya 12.4 peratus wanita berusia 30 hingga 34 tahun belum pernah berkahwin. Jumlah ini hanya meningkat kepada 12.7 peratus pada 2000. Wanita bujang berusia 35 hingga 39 tahun jauh lebih rendah berbanding lelaki iaitu 7.8 peratus pada 1991 dan 2000,” katanya.
Jumlah lelaki dan wanita bujang yang memilih untuk tidak berkahwin turut memberikan kesan kepada kadar kelahiran di negara ini. Berdasarkan graf Kadar Kesuburan mengikut Kumpulan Etnik di Semenanjung Malaysia: 1957 hingga 2000, kadar kesuburan semakin menurun sejak 15 tahun merdeka.
“Peningkatan lelaki dan wanita tidak berkahwin turut memberikan kesan kepada kadar kelahiran yang semakin menurun. Jumlah kelahiran terus menurun pada 36.1 pada 1965 sehingga 30.6 pada 1980.
“Bagaimanapun ia meningkat kepada 31.5 pada 1985, tetapi terus menurun sehingga 18.3 pada 2005. Ini disebabkan semakin ramai penduduk Malaysia berkahwin lewat atau memilih untuk tidak berkahwin,” katanya.
Walaupun selepas merdeka, kaum Cina dan India lebih ramai melahirkan anak berbanding Melayu, tetapi kadar kesuburan dua kaum itu semakin menurun dari tahun ke tahun. Bermula 1972, Melayu didapati lebih ramai melahirkan anak iaitu lima anak bagi setiap keluarga berbanding 4.3 bagi Cina dan 4.4 bagi India. Sehingga 2000, kadar kelahiran terus menurun di kalangan Melayu (3.5), Cina (2.5) dan India (2.4).
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
![]() Police made two arrests at Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley |
Seven are believed to be doctors or medical students, while one formerly worked as a laboratory technician.
Australian media have identified a man arrested at Brisbane airport as Dr Mohammed Haneef, 27.
Two men have been arrested in Blackburn under terror laws but police have not confirmed a link with the car bombs.
The pair were detained on an industrial estate and are being held at a police station in Lancashire on suspicion of offences under the Terrorism Act 2000.
Thousands of passengers travelling from Heathrow Airport's Terminal 4 face major delays after a suspect bag sparked a security alert.
BAA said the departure lounge was partially evacuated and departing passengers were being re-screened, causing some cancellations and delays.
Tube trains on the Piccadilly Line were non-stopping at Heathrow Terminal 4, but the station serving terminals one, two and three remained open.
Handed over
Dr Haneef, who formerly worked in Cheshire, was detained while trying to board a plane to India. A second doctor is also being interviewed in Australia.
Seven doctors or medical students have been arrested in England, Scotland and Australia in connection with the attacks. All worked in NHS hospitals.
Marwah Dana Asha, 27, who was arrested on the M6, is thought to have worked as a lab technician at an NHS hospital in Shrewsbury.
She was arrested with her husband, Dr Mohammed Asha, 26, who worked at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust.
Two men arrested in Scotland on Monday over the attack at Glasgow airport and one held at the scene of the airport attack have been handed over to the Metropolitan Police.
Six of the eight people arrested are now being held at London's Paddington Green police station.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
terrorism lagi?huh!!
sory, i'm so lazy right now to write anything, will do after my exam, insyaAllah...can go here
here a copy from bbc news
![]() The national threat level has been raised to critical |
Armed police are patrolling Heathrow and London City airports in light of the current terror threat.
Passengers have also been warned of delays after restrictions were placed on cars entering forecourts.
Airport operator BAA said forecourts were closed to traffic on orders from the police.
It follows an incident in Scotland on Saturday in which two men drove a burning car into the terminal building at Glasgow Airport.
Nationwide ban
The suspected terrorist attack has prompted a ban on the picking up and dropping off of passengers by vehicles at airport forecourts nationwide.
BAA corporate affairs director Duncan Bomfield said: "Forecourts at airports are basically shut or very restricted to vehicles, with cabs being directed to short-stay car parks."
"There's no dropping off at the moment and there certainly won't be for a while. Fortunately, at Heathrow Airport, most passengers are heeding our advice and arriving and leaving by public transport."
The move has caused long queues of traffic on the M2 near Gatwick Airport.
The UK threat level has been raised to critical - meaning that a terrorist attack is expected imminently.