Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Allah Made Me Funny Tour

Salam alaik...
2 and 1/2 weeks to go before the holiday and i'm feeling bad.Havent been feeling well lately, with annoying cough for almost 2 weeks now, on & off cold and fever. Probably due to the weather changed.Terrible...
First week in ward 10 was fine, got to do lots of jobs, the FY are fab! but this week is a bit asdfghh??? just dunno how to describe it..haha..
Anyway, I have just back from this show so called Allah Made Me Funny Tour. I would say it was good. Basically they are muslims comedians from the United States. They are now in the UK this month. Just to promote their show. Go to this website http://www.ammftour.com/.It's going to be in edinburgh tomorrow. Come and join them!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Reasons for dating a doctor??
I was looking thoroughly at friendster bulletin and found this joke. It sounds funny to me.1. They have magic tool
(stethoscope )
2. They can give you the gift
of "missing them" because they are
always at work
3. They can give you a free medical
consultat ion (everyone's favourite)
4. You save yourself the embarrassment
of going to a doctor with an
infection!!(ye ah...saves time and money
5 . They are smart!!(Not really...we
work hard)
6. They know their anatomy well (know
what works and where)..hmm, sounds
very interesting...right?
7. They are well trained to listen.
(yeah, even if we dont want to know)
8. They know how you feel, or at least
pretends to!!
9. They always have a strange new
story to tell.(but you might find it
boring..) They offer you a tissue when you
feel like crying (hehe...yeah...becau se
we dont know what to do)
Lama tak update...
bismillah....da lama tak update rasanye blog nih.....tadi tgh nak upload fotopage tp taktau apsal tak bole lak, so teringat nak update blog, tp takde idea plak. cite pasal life skarang jer lah.sekarang da masuk winter yg btol2 nye...kat dundee asyik hujan jer memanjang. Susah nak nampak matahari, lagi plak skarang nih saya tgh shadowing kat surgical ward, pkol 8 da masuk, pkol 5 baru balik...time kuar n balik umah da gelap, rasa cam hidup dlm kegelapan..hahaha...harini half day, akhirnya dpt gak saya bukak langsir bilik tuh tgk luar ...tghari tadi baru lepas call parents. diorg kat kelana jaya tadi, nak bertolak malam ni.smoga diorg selamat pegi selamat balik..huhu..sedih ler plak
tadi gi main badminton dgn kwn2 kat sport centre...fuh..lega rasa, da lama tak stretch muscles nih..ada gak esok tgn terketar2, takleh plak nak amek blood sbb da lama tak main..hahaha. Tinggal 3 weeks jer lagi before winter break, cepat btol masa berlalu. setakat nih, saya blom ade lagi plan utk cuti, tp yg penting skali, nak gi main ski this yr, akan ku angkut beramai2 org2 dundee yg ada..muahaha
tuh jer la dulu...
yang menanti hari esok yang bakal sibuk...
Monday, November 05, 2007
upin dan ipin
da lama nak letak nih, tapi asyik lupa jer...sape yg blom penah tgk, bole la tgk, enjoy!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
fresher's camp scotland 2007
Salam alaik...Alhamdullillah dpt jugak sy join fc di isle of skye yg baru jer abes siang tadi. 2minggu di Tarland cukup utk sy katakan jiwa ni kosong, hati ni da gelap, pekat agaknya. Sunyi btol, takde usrah, takde kwn2 nak marahkan kedegilan sy nih..erm...terima kaseh pd kakfa yg bersusah payah terutamanya pd 'driver' yg amek sy kat sana...
Disebabkan da lewat, dan esok pon sy nak kena bertolak awal ke sana...which is in 5 hours from now (mampukah nak bgn awal nih selepas 3 mlm tido lmbt =?) so taknak tulih panjang2, cukup sekadar pengisian dan dapatan yg sy peroleh dr camp tersebut insyaAllah
- as usual, sptmana dlm post2 sblom ini, ingatlah..ape jua yg kite nak buat, mulakan dgn niat yg btol...lillah hita'ala
- jangan fikir duniawi semata-mata, ingat pada akhirat sama kerna di situ nanti akhirnya kita
- ilmu boleh dicari di mana2, yg mustahaknya, bagaimana kita nak gunakannya utk kebaikan, bukan sj bg diri sdiri, tp jua utk masyarakat...
Thursday, November 01, 2007
My Life in Tarland
Khamis 25/10/07Assalamualaikum wbt.
Harini hari ke-4 saya di tarland. Nak cerita sikit pasal tempat nih. It’s actually a small village in the county of aberdeenshire, located to the west of Aberdeen. The population is only around 800 people. It is so small in which almost each of them knows everyone else. The best part is there is no crime committed in this village as it too small, so the criminals can be easily caught by the villagers. No one dare to commit any crime.
Let me write something bout my journey here. Last Monday, I took a bus to Aberdeen bus station from Dundee. I arrived in Aberdeen around quarter to 3. The earliest bus to tarland at that time was at quarter pass 4. I know I was early, and at that time, I was too boring, dunno what to do. It was cold as well and I was freezing. The most thing that I hate about it was everyone around me were smoking! Gosh!! I can’t stand smell and smoke of cigarettes. Luckily I found a shed to rest, which is at the counter area, a non smoking area too! The bus was punctual. It was a big bus, erm…look like a coach for me. With my big baggage (bag balik msia) I tried to carry it onto the bus, lucky me there is few helpful people around there…hehe..’Where are u going?’ ‘Tarland please’ ‘oo..is it the village of Tralnad?’ ‘yeah, that’s it? Dalam hati waktu tuh..wah, village of Tarland?kampung sgt kah tpt nih? There were less than 15 people got into the bus in Aberdeen, and after we reached Westhill, which is only a quarter of the bus journey, there were only me and another girl left. Having said that, I’m the last one to leave the bus..haha..nak menunjukkan betapa pedalamannya Tarland nih and I took me bout 2 hours. Despite all that, there are lots to see during the journey. It is a rural area having considered that there are lots of cows, sheeps and lambs. And then there is one type of tree..byk sgt all along the journey..skali pandang, teringat cam pokok getah kat highway utara selatan tuh…anyway, Alhamdullillah, I arrived safely at the Commercial Hotel….
And now about the surgery. It’s quite a small one. During my 1st week of attachment, there wasn’t that many patients but I do take histories and even gave flu vac to 7 patients.haha…my 1st time doing 7 in a row. And the GP and his staffs were all friendly. On the 1st day, I had lunch in my GP’s place and for the 1st time, I did apple picking..muahaha…at last, I have done it! Cos kat umah die ade pokok epal…syok abes!
Da mengantuk sgt da nih…to be continued………
Sabtu 27th October 2007
What did I do today? It was a boring weekend really. Seriously! I went for a walk around the village, climb up the hill to the stone circle and obviously took lots of photos…besides that, I was on the phone for the whole morning, I think and watch the news and movies. At least I got to know that tomorrow we are changing the clock back.
Isnin 29th October 2007, 10 pm
Seperti malam2 sebelum ini, kerja saya kalo tak tgk tv, tgk movie/drama…paling rajin pun, belek2 audit or buat revision sket. Sambil2 dok buat audit nyer intro, ternampak kat tv satu cite nih..tajuk die ‘how to move forward in africa’. Rancangan ni ala-ala majalah 3 la kalo kat msia. Citer pasal corruption kat Africa yang menjadi punca utama Negara nih tak maju sampai sekarang. Bayangkanlah, nak kerja pon kena bayar@rasuah..tak pelik ke tuh? Host rancangan tuh try nak join penduduk setempa yg pegi mencari kerja sebagai buruh pada siang hari. Utk masuk ke tempat kerja tersebut, setiap org kena bayar dlm 300 schilling (matawang diorg). Tuh blom tentu dpt kerja lagi tuh..pastu mandor akan pilih certain number of people utk kerja pada hari tersebut. Satu lagi yg host tuh cuba buat is nak bina pondok utk die duduk. Baru tak sampai sejam diorg bina pondok, ade sorg perempuan dtg ckp die masuk tanah die nih..kalo taknak die report kat chief officer, kena bayar die 4000. Host nip on diskus2, setuju 2000. Pastu dtg pulak chief officer, ckp kena byr die 2000, kalo tak die report kat ketua die, nanti kena roboh pondok tuh.kalo bayar, die akan settle semua dgn ketua die. Lepas discuss, bagila die 1000. Tak lama lepas tuh dtg lak sorg lagi mengaku org kerajaan bahagian tanah mintak lagi 2000. Ya Allah, mcmana la org2 kat situ nak hidup kalo semua nye kena bayar org lain..dahtuh org yg dibayar tuh janji mcm2, tp at last masuk poket diorg sdiri gak. Cerita pemandu teksi yg kena merasuah polis kalo nk amek penumpang wpon diorg bukan langgar rules jalanraya. Kalo tak diorg kena masuk lokap. Ish..ish..camna nak carik makan camni?
That’s all for now…wslm