Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Allah Made Me Funny Tour

Salam alaik...
2 and 1/2 weeks to go before the holiday and i'm feeling bad.Havent been feeling well lately, with annoying cough for almost 2 weeks now, on & off cold and fever. Probably due to the weather changed.Terrible...
First week in ward 10 was fine, got to do lots of jobs, the FY are fab! but this week is a bit asdfghh??? just dunno how to describe it..haha..
Anyway, I have just back from this show so called Allah Made Me Funny Tour. I would say it was good. Basically they are muslims comedians from the United States. They are now in the UK this month. Just to promote their show. Go to this website http://www.ammftour.com/.It's going to be in edinburgh tomorrow. Come and join them!
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